Cesar Wet Food for Dogs Multipack Selection Of Classics In Pate



Cesar wet dog food has everything your dog needs to bring vitality and energy to his day.   Cesar Classic Tarrinas in pate are a complete menu, carefully prepared with natural and healthy ingredients that your dog will love. Complete recipes tha ...


  • 4x150 gr RM35.54 RM59.23/KG
  • 8x150 gr RM115.58 RM96.32/KG

Order 2 units, don't run out of it

  • x1 RM35.54 RM35.54/unit
  • x2 -RM0.71 RM70.37 RM34.83 last unit
  • x3 -RM1.07 RM105.55 RM34.47 last unit
  • x5 -RM1.78 RM175.92 RM33.76 last unit
  • x1 RM115.58 RM115.58/unit
  • x2 -RM2.31 RM228.85 RM113.27 last unit
  • x3 -RM3.47 RM343.27 RM112.11 last unit
  • x5 -RM5.78 RM572.12 RM109.80 last unit

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Ingredients Cesar Wet Food for Dogs Multipack Selection Of Classics In Pate



Composition: With delicious CHICKEN: meats and animal by-products (60%, includes 4% chicken), cereals, mineral substances, by-products of vegetable origin. With BEEF: meats and animal by-products (60%, including 4% beef), vegetables (including 4% carrots), bakery products (including 4% pasta), cereals, mineral substances, by-products of vegetable origin. With VEAL and CHICKEN: meats and animal by-products (60%, includes 4% veal, 4% chicken), cereals, mineral substances, by-products of vegetable origin. With LAMB: meats and animal by-products (60%, includes 4% lamb), cereals, mineral substances, by-products of vegetable origin.


Analytical constituents:


Analytical constituents (%): protein: 10 / fat content: 5 /inorganic matter: 2 / crude fibers: 0.4 / moisture: 81.


Nutritional additives:


Additives per kg: Nutritional additives: Vitamin D3: 150 IU, Calcium iodate anhydride: 0.39 mg, Cupric sulfate pentahydrate: 4.1 mg, , Ferro sulfate monohydrate: 10 mg, Manganese sulfate monohydrate: 5.6 mg, Zinc sulfate monohydrate: 44.5 mg / Technological additives: Cassia gum: 2000 mg, Sodium nitrite: 12.6 mg.

Features Cesar Wet Food for Dogs Multipack Selection Of Classics In Pate

  • Reference3065890121126
  • Weight150 GR, 600 GR
  • BrandCesar
  • Units4, 8
  • Physical ActivityAverage
  • Nutritional ConditionsNatural
  • AgeAdult, Senior, Puppy
  • FlavorChicken, Lamb, Turkey, Fish, Ox
  • Dog SizeSmall, Medium, Maxi, Giant
  • Product RangeClasicos, Selection
  • Format4x150 gr, 8x150 gr
  • ManufacturerCesar,ES 12371,Mars Multisales Spain S.L Plaza De Carlos Trais Bertran 4 1Pl 28020, Madrid,
  • , , ,

Description Cesar Wet Food for Dogs Multipack Selection Of Classics In Pate

Cesar wet dog food has everything your dog needs to bring vitality and energy to his day.


Cesar Classic Tarrinas in pate are a complete menu, carefully prepared with natural and healthy ingredients that your dog will love.

Complete recipes that will ensure a tasty diet full of nutrients for a happy dog. Because your dog deserves the best, at Cesar we make sure you can share the best with your best friend, in order to strengthen the bond that unites you.

Our philosophy contemplates a complete and natural diet for your pet, full of flavor and sustainable, to take care of him and the world where he lives.

The Cesar Classic Selection multipack combines four flavors of the best wet food for your dog, which will provide a complete and balanced nutrition for your dog.

Different flavors: Chicken & Beef, Chicken & Turkey, Beef & Liver and Beef & Poultry.




- Made with natural, healthy and best quality ingredients.
- Different flavors
- Recyclable packaging that helps us to take care of the environment.
- No added sugar, no artificial colors or flavors.
- Individual tubs that maintain the freshness of our natural recipes.


Food Guide:


Portion and Feed:

- Give per day: 1 tub + 50g for a 5kg dog.
- Daily feeding: 1+ 1/2 bowl + 55g for a 7kg dog.
- Give per day:1+1/2 tub + 90g for a 10kg dog

Barrel only:

- Give per day: 2+1/2 tubs for a 5kg dog.
- Daily feeding: 3 tubs per day for a 7kg dog.
- Give per day:4 tubs for a 10kg dog.




- When changing your dog's usual food, we recommend a transition phase and adjust the amounts according to his needs.
- Always leave water available.
- Serve the food at room temperature and discard any leftover food in the bowl.
- Once opened, keep refrigerated for a maximum of 48 hours.

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